
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Week Teaser

Hello! It's been a pretty eventful weekend, with one of my dearest girlfriends visiting, as well as my fiance, and now my parents are on the way. I also did a cross race today, but it can be summed up by saying that it felt like I was trying to race a track bike over an obstacle course on an ice rink. With temperatures well below 20F with 40mph gusting winds. I spent more time on the ground than on my bike. Needless to say, I am planning to forget that that ever happened.

Anyways, since Thanksgiving is usually a time when concerned relatives worry about your vegetarian habit, I decided that I'd devote the blog this week to bringing you a week's worth of delicious completely plant based Thanksgiving recipes! Here's what's on tap...

I've updated to link to all the recipes! From front & center, clockwise: Homestyle lentil loaf, cornbread (vegetarian) sausage stuffing, homemade green bean casserole, kale and cranberry salad, cornbread, and (white bean) pumpkin pie!

Are you excited? I know you are! Feel free to bring any of these with you where ever you're going, they're sure to please! One tip I've heard for a vegetarian Thanksgiving is to plan to bring your main dish, since you'll be able to have many the sides and that way you'll get a filling protein kick. So we'll start with the homestyle lentil loaf tomorrow. See you then!

A lovely surprise from my fiance!
As a side note, I plan to post one recipe per day, so if you think you want one of these to take with you on Thursday & you haven't seen it by Wednesday, just message me and I'll send the recipe your way! Total prep time for all of these dishes combined was about 2 hours, so this is an easy-peasy Thanksgiving spread.

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