
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend Adventures

Well, this weekend marked my last road race of the season. It was the Mt. Kearsarge Hill Climb in Warner NH. It was part of the BUMPS races that I've been competing in. I think I won the 20-29 age group for the series, but I couldn't compete in the overall standings because one of the races I was signed up for was cancelled. Oh well! It was great fun. This race was one of the best that I've been to as well. The sun was shining and there were great views all the way up the course. I put in a good effort and was rewarded with a 2nd place finish. I threw a set of running shoes in my summit bag and hiked up to the summit after the race to be rewarded with this view:

This road cycling season has been really surprising and fun for me! It was my first year training and racing. I started the year with the intent of doing hill climbs and time trials only and ended up doing a ton of road races, some stage races, and even a crit! My favorite was the Tour of the Catskills stage race, in which I placed 2nd and won the QOM jersey for the women's cat 3/4 field. It also got me an upgrade from cat 4 to cat 3!

Other than the race, my fiance have been playing it low key this weekend. We always make Sunday brunch and this Mushroom Breakfast Sandwich is one of our favorites. More recipes to come this week!

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